Corporal Injury
Any person who hits a child and causes an injury can be charged with inflicting corporal injury on a child. A child abuse crime may be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor and is considered a “wobbler” offense for this reason.
In order to be charged with this crime a person must inflict some physical injury. It is not enough for the injury to be mental or psychological in nature.
Defending a Corporal Injury Charge
If a parent inflicts reasonable corporal punishment on their child for the purposes of discipline, they may have a defense to this crime. Even if, for instance, a parent hits their child with something other than their hand.
Often times police and social service employees are quick to judge a situation and charge a parent with child abuse. We have seen this situation and understand that it may cause a great deal of suffering not only to the person charged with a crime but to the entire family and the victims themselves.
If you or someone you love is charged with this crime the best thing you can do is contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Sometimes the matter may be resolved prior to any charges being filed. Even if the police have already filed charges against you, the sooner you act the better we can help you.
Punishment for Child Abuse
A person convicted of inflicting corporal injury to a child may be imprisoned for two, four, or six years or for one year in the county jail. Other sentencing enhancements may apply if a serious injury occurs or a person has been convicted of this crime before.
Probation is also another option that an experienced attorney can obtain for a client. There are other options available however and only an attorney who has all of the facts can advise you properly of those options. At the Sigal Law Group we pride ourselves in winning cases others will say are unwinnable.
Don't let your freedom, your life and your family be in jeopardy. Call the Sigal Law Group today for a free consultation and talk with our Los Angeles criminal attorneys.