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Soliciting a Prostitute – PC 647(b)

Posted by Vitaly Sigal | Oct 21, 2024 | 0 Comments

In California, Penal Code 647(b) makes both the act of prostitution and the solicitation of prostitution illegal in the state. If you or someone you know has been accused of charges under this statute, they will be facing serious legal and personal consequences that can alter the entire course of your life.

Key Elements of Soliciting a Prostitute in California

For the prosecution to secure a conviction for soliciting a prostitute, they must prove:

1.    That the defendant requested or agreed to engage in an act of prostitution,

2.    The defendant intended to engage in the act, and

3.    The defendant took some action to further the commission of the act.

Additionally, this law applies equally to both the person offering sexual services and the person seeking to pay for them.

Definition of Prostitution in California

Under the law against soliciting a prostitute, prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual intercourse or any lewd act with another person in exchange for money or other compensation. A lewd act usually involves touching the genitals, buttocks, or female breasts for sexual gratification.

When a defendant is convicted of this misdemeanor offense, they can face one or all of the following penalties:

·        Up to 6 months in county jail,

·        Fines of up to $1,000, and

·        Potentially the suspension of their driver's license.

Further, if an individual is considered a repeat offender, they can face increased penalties. For instance, a second offense would require a 45-day minimum jail sentence, and a third offense would require a 90-day minimum jail sentence.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

There are a number of defenses defense attorney may employ against this type of crime, including:

·        Showing that the defendant did not intend to engage in prostitution.

·        Challenging the prosecution's ability to prove all the elements of the crime because of a lack of evidence.

·        Arguing that law enforcement improp

About the Author

Vitaly Sigal

Vitaly Sigal Sigal Law Group Owner 355 S. Grand Ave, Suite 2450 Los Angeles, CA 90071 (213) 620-0212 Vitaly Sigal has extensive trial experience and is not afraid to take your case to trial if necessary. From straightforward to complex litigation, Mr. Sigal handles every case with the same i...


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